Monday, March 26, 2012
Typing Test
Keje utk arini dah saje test2 power..hahaha....
Visit the Typing Test and try!
Hasilnye xde la best tu cube try test je..pasni nk wat btul2.. ^_^
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Yuna - Terukir Di Bintang
Jika engkau minta intan permata tak mungkin ku mampu
Tapi sayangkan ku capai bintang dari langit untukmu
Jika engkau minta satu dunia akan aku coba
Ku hanya mampu jadi milikmu pastikan kau bahagia
Tapi sayangkan ku capai bintang dari langit untukmu
Jika engkau minta satu dunia akan aku coba
Ku hanya mampu jadi milikmu pastikan kau bahagia
Hati ini bukan milik ku lagi
Seribu tahun pun akan ku nanti
Kan… kamu…
Seribu tahun pun akan ku nanti
Kan… kamu…
Jangan kau persoalkan siapa dihatiku
Terukir di bintang tak mungkin hilang cintaku padamu
Jangan kau persoalkan siapa dihatiku
Terukir di bintang tak mungkin hilang cintaku padamu
today is sunday~
hujan ahad..
tengah duti jage cal..
cepat la pukul 5..
nak tido..
tengah duti jage cal..
cepat la pukul 5..
nak tido..
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
On D U T Y
This WEEK ... kene jge cal utk seminggu direct!!! one staff tgh sdp2 cuti staff yg dijanjikan nk masuk awal bln still xde nmpk lg batang idung!!
Geram pn ade...ingt ktorg ni ape..bkn duk kt tpt msing2 x wat keje..duk jge cal pn kne wat keje jgk..haihh...ape la nasib..nsb baik skg dh cool + shift n bff busan sgt..haha.. *dlm ati stil x puas ati*
Selalu jage weekend je..bile kne jge weekdays ni..kebanyakan yg call sbb nk tanye mcm2..kelam kabut le nk jwb..adooiii....
X tau la smpi bile nk kne duk dlm ni...sabo je la..
cumel x..??? weeee~~~
Geram pn ade...ingt ktorg ni ape..bkn duk kt tpt msing2 x wat keje..duk jge cal pn kne wat keje jgk..haihh...ape la nasib..nsb baik skg dh cool + shift n bff busan sgt..haha.. *dlm ati stil x puas ati*
Selalu jage weekend je..bile kne jge weekdays ni..kebanyakan yg call sbb nk tanye mcm2..kelam kabut le nk jwb..adooiii....
X tau la smpi bile nk kne duk dlm ni...sabo je la..
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Gym Class Heroes: Ass Back Home ft. Neon Hitch [OFFICIAL VIDEO]
Oh, so sexy y'all
I don't know where you're going
Or when you're coming home
I left the keys under the mat to our front door
For one more chance to hold you close
I don't know where you're going
Just get your ass back home
We both knew this type of life
Didn't come with instructions
So I'm trying to do my best
To make something outta nothing
And sometimes it gets
Downright shitty in fact
When you call and I don't even know
What city I'm at
Or what day of the week in the middle of the month
In a year I don't recall
It's like my life's on repeat and the last time we spoke
I told you I wouldn't be long(yeah)
That was last November now December's almost gone
I'd apologize but I don't realize what I'm doing wrong
I don't know where you're going
Or when you're coming home
I left the keys under the mat to our front door
For one more chance to hold you close
I don't know where you're going
Just get your ass back home
And you been nothing but amazing
And I will never take that for granted
Half of these birds would have flew
To coop but you, you truly understand it
And the fact you stood beside me
Every time you heard some bogusness
[ From: ]
You deserve a standing o
'Cause they'd a just been over it
Let em talk, let em talk, let em talk, let em talk
Like we don't hear what they saying
Let em walk, let em walk, let em walk, let em walk
We'll just drive by and keep waving it
Cause you and I above all that
Just let em wallow in it
Now they all choked up, yuck
Cause they be swallowing it
I don't know where you're going
Or when you're coming home
I left the keys under the mat to our front door
For one more chance to hold you close
I don't know where you're going
Just get your ass back home
No one holds me down like you do, sweetheart
You keep doing that, I'll keep doing this
We'll be aight in the end
Trust that
We put the us in trust, baby
Let's go!
I don't care what you're after
As long as I'm the one, No
I don't care why you're leaving
You'll miss me when you're gone
I don't know where you're going
Or when you're coming home
I left the keys under the mat to our front door
For one more chance to hold you close
I don't know where you're going
Just get your ass back home
I'm home baby
Copied from
Coretan Rasa Hati
Apabila saya selalu dekat bersamanya, saya GEMBIRA..GEMBIRA sebab saya nampak warna-warna pelangi padanya..Tapi..kadang-kadang saya tidak berapa SELESA...saya TAKUT..TAKUT perkara ini akan menjadi kesusahan kepada kami satu hari nanti..Tapi..itulah yang saya nampak.dia nampak BAHAGIA..hati saya menjadi senang..tenang..sepeerti hilang rasa bimbang yang selalu menghantui diri saya..Dia buat saya tenang..tidak perlu fikir akan masalah yang kami selalu hadapi bersama..Adakah itu tandanya hidup kami ini tercipta untuk sama lain? Saling memerlukan? Saling melengkapi? Ya..saya akui..saya rasa hidup saya tiada makna jika dia tidak disamping saya..
Ya ALLAH...Permudahkanlah urusan dalam hubungan kami..AMIN...
Saya sayang awak banyak2!!!
Ya ALLAH...Permudahkanlah urusan dalam hubungan kami..AMIN...
Saya sayang awak banyak2!!!
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