saya RINDU nak update blog saya nih....!!!!
saya sangat bz...
after eid fitr..keje bertambah...
kesihatan selalu x memuaskan..demam 2 mgu sekali...
uuwaaa..... i want to break free~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
the life begins
3 years ago... at the same date...4 the 1st time aku berjauh dr famili aku & mulekan idup baru *dapat keje kt kl..hehehe*
x sangke...dah 3 taun berlalu....rse mcm dh 10 taun aku kt bumi kl ni.alhamdulillah...smpi skg...aku dapat meneruskan idup n cukup selesa wlupun dlm keadaan yg sederhana.aku stil ingt tarikh ni...mse ni bln puase..kbtln mmbe aku pn dpt offer yg sme (klu x kompem ssh aku nk jejak kaki dkt cni).mse tggu bas dtg..ex aku dtg..huhu...aku pulangkan blk gelang yg aku penah mintak dier beli dulu.mse tu aku x ckp mne pun..hurrmm...aku hrp dir smkin hepi skg.. *huh..tetibe hot psg lagu dadali - saat aku mencitaiku mse aku tgh tulih ni..sioot je*
smpi je kl...aku menumpang di rumah mmbe kpd mmbe aku..alhamdulillahh..nsb bek ade tpt nk menumpang sementare nk cari umh sewa..huhuh...bermula la kehidupan aku as a perantau..hihi...dh la nk dkt raye..bole plak aku g kl sbb keje.rzki ramadhan lah katekan..tul x.. :)
sblm aku nk dtg cni..smpt jgk la aku wat persiapan raye..tlg cat umh..kms umh kasi bersih..huhu..
1 more thing..yg wat aku smgt nk dtg kl ni..aku nk jumpe seseorang..smpi je aku trus cal x agkt *keciwe*.. dier xtau pun aku dtg kl..konon nk wat surprise..huhu...x sgke..dier tu la org yg plg aku syg skg.. :)
ok..nk smbung wat keje.. ;)
x sangke...dah 3 taun berlalu....rse mcm dh 10 taun aku kt bumi kl ni.alhamdulillah...smpi skg...aku dapat meneruskan idup n cukup selesa wlupun dlm keadaan yg sederhana.aku stil ingt tarikh ni...mse ni bln puase..kbtln mmbe aku pn dpt offer yg sme (klu x kompem ssh aku nk jejak kaki dkt cni).mse tggu bas dtg..ex aku dtg..huhu...aku pulangkan blk gelang yg aku penah mintak dier beli dulu.mse tu aku x ckp mne pun..hurrmm...aku hrp dir smkin hepi skg.. *huh..tetibe hot psg lagu dadali - saat aku mencitaiku mse aku tgh tulih ni..sioot je*
smpi je kl...aku menumpang di rumah mmbe kpd mmbe aku..alhamdulillahh..nsb bek ade tpt nk menumpang sementare nk cari umh sewa..huhuh...bermula la kehidupan aku as a perantau..hihi...dh la nk dkt raye..bole plak aku g kl sbb keje.rzki ramadhan lah katekan..tul x.. :)
sblm aku nk dtg cni..smpt jgk la aku wat persiapan raye..tlg cat umh..kms umh kasi bersih..huhu..
1 more thing..yg wat aku smgt nk dtg kl ni..aku nk jumpe seseorang..smpi je aku trus cal x agkt *keciwe*.. dier xtau pun aku dtg kl..konon nk wat surprise..huhu...x sgke..dier tu la org yg plg aku syg skg.. :)
ok..nk smbung wat keje.. ;)
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Lupe Fiasco - Words I Never Said ft. Skylar Grey [Explicit Version]
"Words I Never Said"
(feat. Skylar Grey)
[Skylar Grey]
It’s so loud Inside my head
With words that I should have said!
As I drown in my regrets
I can’t take back the words I never said
I can’t take back the words I never said
[Lupe Fiasco]
I really think the war on terror is a bunch of bullshit
Just a poor excuse for you to use up all your bullets
How much money does it take to really make a full clip
9/11 building 7 did they really pull it
Uhh, And a bunch of other cover ups
Your childs future was the first to go with budget cuts
If you think that hurts then, wait here comes the uppercut
The school was garbage in the first place, that's on the up and up
Keep you at the bottom but tease you with the uppercrust
You get it then they move it so you never keeping up enough
If you turn on TV all you see’s a bunch of “what the fucks”
Dude is dating so and so blabbering bout such and such
And that ain't Jersey Shore, homie that's the news
And these the same people that supposed to be telling us the truth
Limbaugh is a racist, Glenn Beck is a racist
Gaza strip was getting bombed, Obama didn’t say shit
That's why I ain't vote for him, next one either
I’ma part of the problem, my problem is I’m peaceful
And I believe in the people.
[Skylar Grey]
It’s so loud inside my head
With words that I should have said!
As I drown in my regrets
I can’t take back the words I never said
I can’t take back the words I never said
[Lupe Fiasco - Verse 2]
Now you can say it ain't our fault if we never heard it
But if we know better than we probably deserve it
Jihad is not a holy war, wheres that in the worship?
Murdering is not Islam!
And you are not observant
And you are not a muslim
Israel don’t take my side cause look how far you’ve pushed them
Walk with me into the ghetto, this where all the Kush went
Complain about the liquor store but what you drinking liquor for?
Complain about the gloom but when’d you pick a broom up?
Just listening to Pac ain't gone make it stop
A rebel in your thoughts, ain't gon make it halt
If you don’t become an actor you’ll never be a factor
Pills with million side effects
Take em when the pains felt
Wash them down with Diet soda!
Killin off your brain cells
Crooked banks around the World
Would gladly give a loan today
So if you ever miss a payment
They can take your home away!
[Skylar Grey]
It’s so loud inside my head
With words that I should have said!
As I drown in my regrets
I can’t take back the words I never said, never said
I can’t take back the words I never said
[Lupe Fiasco - Verse 3]
I think that all the silence is worse than all the violence
Fear is such a weak emotion that's why I despise it
We scared of almost everything, afraid to even tell the truth
So scared of what you think of me, I’m scared of even telling you
Sometimes I’m like the only person I feel safe to tell it to
I’m locked inside a cell in me, I know that there’s a jail in you
Consider this your bailing out, so take a breath, inhale a few
My screams is finally getting free, my thoughts is finally yelling through
[Skylar Grey]
It’s so loud Inside my head
With words that I should have said!
As I drown in my regrets
I can’t take back the words I never said
** lirik lagu ni betul2 menusuk ke kalbu kalau korang pahamkan betul2 **
word for today
bercinta, kecewa. bercinta lagi, kecewa lagi. menangis, ketawa. kemudian menangis lagi, kesat air mata sendiri.nangis lah semahu-mahu kamu. sebab nanti, suatu masa nanti, kamu akan ketemu dia yang benar-benar kasihkan kamu. cuma.. jangan lupa akan Dia yang di atas sana. doa dan minta. Dia akan beri.
** aku suke giler ayat ni..pagi2 cmni (mud tgh haru biru) mcm menaikkan smgt aku je utk truskan idup..btw..smlm aku rse tibe2 lost...empty..xde prsn nk isup..rse mcm idup ni x adil cube yg terbaik must go on kan.. ;)
** aku suke giler ayat ni..pagi2 cmni (mud tgh haru biru) mcm menaikkan smgt aku je utk truskan idup..btw..smlm aku rse tibe2 lost...empty..xde prsn nk isup..rse mcm idup ni x adil cube yg terbaik must go on kan.. ;)
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Hari Raya 2011~~
today..dah raya ke 10..jap je rase...huhu...baru arini aku dpt curik mse nk mencorak coret...haha..
taun ni..raya x seindah mne...dpt beraya mse 1st day je...esoknye dh nk kene blk.. :(
nsb baik..encik sayang sy x la tu la...tido sorg2 jgk kt umh...mcm2 bunyi ade...tkut jgk..huhu,,
tp..yg spesel taun ni..otw blk kg x jem..nk blk putrajaya lg la x jem..haha...cume jln agak bz je. mmg xpuas syok sbb lme jgk duk umh..melayan bebudak tu..lyn si kembar.. *da mkin beso + encem*
sempa jgk wat kuih aku jd tukang bakor je la..huhu...wat lemang pun aku jd tukang nyibuk je..skg ni sng...xpyh tgu mcm dulu..msuk je dlm tong + bakor gune gas..huhu...dh xde tradisional dah..
1st raye..tmn akak aku g kubur..pastu g umh abg ipar aku..then g umh opah (umh wajib)..tu je la yg sempat aku g..ptg sok blk..kbtln mama msk rndg ayam...bwk tu la + lemang pakat tgk je aku bwk..haha...bile dlm bas..bole plak encik driver psg lagu raye..touching la plak..
biskut mazola...jd tukang bakor je.. :P
org kuat dlm menjayakan lemang
sblm jln2 kte posing dulu
meriam buluh..smpi umh aku bole dengo
ziki tgh lyn si kembor
smpi je pudu..aku tggu dier amik..punye lme la tggu..smp kene kcu smpi 2x!! mule2 org melayu..dlm 40-an..nk mintak dt sbb dt ilang...slambe je aku ckp..kt dpn tu de polis..mtk tlg la n diorg..pastu dier blah...then negro..tnye aku can u speak in english..trus aku geleng pale..pstu dier tnye blk mne..bole plak aku jwb *sengal ok*
stat raye ke 3 keje mcm biase...sunyi giler putrajaya...kl pn aku rse idup lg.keje pn memain je..sbb xde org nk wat aduan sgt *bz beraye kot*
mlm tu smbung plak tgk wyg rmi2..huhu...esoknye pas abis keje g merayap n mmbe aku plak..ari sabtu mmbe2 aku ajak g kuantan..jln2 sane..smbl tu anta mmbe sorg ni blk umh sewa dier..sempat la lpk kt tluk cempedak..1st time smpi kuantan kot..huhu...biase je bg aku...syok lg ipoh..haha...
putrajaya lengang ok!
@ ioi...lps tgk hantu bonceng
@ teluk sempedak
taun ni..raya x seindah mne...dpt beraya mse 1st day je...esoknye dh nk kene blk.. :(
nsb baik..encik sayang sy x la tu la...tido sorg2 jgk kt umh...mcm2 bunyi ade...tkut jgk..huhu,,
tp..yg spesel taun ni..otw blk kg x jem..nk blk putrajaya lg la x jem..haha...cume jln agak bz je. mmg xpuas syok sbb lme jgk duk umh..melayan bebudak tu..lyn si kembar.. *da mkin beso + encem*
sempa jgk wat kuih aku jd tukang bakor je la..huhu...wat lemang pun aku jd tukang nyibuk je..skg ni sng...xpyh tgu mcm dulu..msuk je dlm tong + bakor gune gas..huhu...dh xde tradisional dah..
1st raye..tmn akak aku g kubur..pastu g umh abg ipar aku..then g umh opah (umh wajib)..tu je la yg sempat aku g..ptg sok blk..kbtln mama msk rndg ayam...bwk tu la + lemang pakat tgk je aku bwk..haha...bile dlm bas..bole plak encik driver psg lagu raye..touching la plak..
smpi je pudu..aku tggu dier amik..punye lme la tggu..smp kene kcu smpi 2x!! mule2 org melayu..dlm 40-an..nk mintak dt sbb dt ilang...slambe je aku ckp..kt dpn tu de polis..mtk tlg la n diorg..pastu dier blah...then negro..tnye aku can u speak in english..trus aku geleng pale..pstu dier tnye blk mne..bole plak aku jwb *sengal ok*
stat raye ke 3 keje mcm biase...sunyi giler putrajaya...kl pn aku rse idup lg.keje pn memain je..sbb xde org nk wat aduan sgt *bz beraye kot*
mlm tu smbung plak tgk wyg rmi2..huhu...esoknye pas abis keje g merayap n mmbe aku plak..ari sabtu mmbe2 aku ajak g kuantan..jln2 sane..smbl tu anta mmbe sorg ni blk umh sewa dier..sempat la lpk kt tluk cempedak..1st time smpi kuantan kot..huhu...biase je bg aku...syok lg ipoh..haha...
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
[MTV] Malaysian Boy
Salam si anggun si gadis ayu
Dari kotaraya ke pedalaman kamu
Dari Likas ke Pekan Rabu
Di carta aku kau nombor satu
Aku berikrar aku berjanji
Teman-teman aku menjadi saksi
Jauh di mata dekat di hati
Jadi izinkan aku pergi berlari
Keliling dunia dua tiga kali
Ku tahu hanya satu perkara pasti
Selagi bumi di atas paksi
Bila tiba masa aku kembali
(Ila Damiaa)
Bawaku ke mana saja kau suka
Timur selatan barat atau utara
Dampingi aku selalu
You’ll be my Malaysian boy
Malaysian boy
(Point Blanc)
呢度最掂 无问_
靓女如云 唔使头痕
饮茶食饭 heh番一晚
生活唔使烦 系o甘
去到边度 唔会改变态度
响我o既脑 你系最好
我o既国土 亦系我o既宝
(Point Blanc – Translation)
If you ask Point Blanc where is home
It’s definitely this land called Malaysia
This is the best place in the whole world
There ain’t no problems
Just open up your eyes
There are plenty of beautiful women around
Enjoy all kinds of food and drink everyday
There’s no worries in our lives
We know how to work hard but we also know how to enjoy life
Wherever I go it will never change my view because in my mind you are the best
Malaysia is oh my homeland and is most precious to me
(Rabbit Mac)
Vanakam everybody hi hello
Oru suthe pollam jom let’s go
Okay yen pearu Malaysian boy
Yethe senjalum kita sempoi
Tambi tangachi
Mumy dady akka tata patti vanthachii
Dari kampung ke kota machi
Sabah sampai PNG
Sigappu nellam velle manje
Nerathil vaanavil yen nattil theriye
Vadakku kilaku east and west
Nambe naadu malaysia
We the best
(Rabbit Mac – Translation)
Greetings everybody hi hello
Come let’s go for a tour around the nation
Okay my name is Malaysian boy
Whatever we do we are always good
Brothers sisters
Mommy daddy sisters grandpa and grandma have come
From the village to the city
From sabah till penang
Red blue white and yellow
You can see rainbows of these colors in my country
North south east and west
Our country Malaysia
We are the best
**i'm proud to be malaysian~!!**
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